Mental Health

WHO has given mental health huge importance thus making it very clear that mental health stands above all the health conditions. Mental health acts as a foundation of the effective functioning and complete well-being of any individual and eventually the entire society. 

Being mentally unwell does not only affect the mental conditions of the person but in fact has a lot of impact on various other functioning of the community. A few are stated below:

  • Educational Outcome
  • Productivity of the Work
  • Development of Personal Relationship towards Positivity
  • Crime Rate
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse
It becomes vital to be more cautious when it comes to mental health as Depression and Addictions are too common these days.
We at DocOnHand have a well experienced and knowledgeable team of doctors who treat Depression, Addictions and also are well versed in conducting Grief Counseling.

Some of the Common Conditions our team can help with

Mental Health

Sore throat



Grief Counseling

Grief Counseling


Commonly known as mood disorder, depression may feel like you are engulfed in the darkest shadow of sadness, loss or anger. Depression does not act similarly to all individuals, it interferes differently with different people. 

But stay rest assured that our doctors believe and have proven over time that the most severe depression is also treatable. They will provide all kinds of treatment options starting from therapy to medication to healthy lifestyle changes. They will surely uproot the depression condition from your mind.


Till very recently or even now, people with addictions are considered as bad people, hedonistic and wilfully selfish individuals. People used to avoid having contact with such people and would also their families from such kind. But the fact is that these people are actually suffering from a chronic mental disorder which is now confirmed and given importance after the researches have proved it right. Addiction and mental health always go hand in hand as these kind of people although are physically addicted get impulsive due to it which is a mental disorder.

As addictions are of various kinds, similarly the treatment for them is also customized and totally case sensitive. It is not that one kind of treatment will fit all. This is where the expertise of our doctors plays an important role as they know very well the treatment that will work best for you based on your symptoms, the care you need, the substance you’re abusing, the mental health requirements and of course the affordable health care options. 

Grief Counseling:

The most common and chronic reaction to loss is grief. This grief can be very dangerous to mental health as it will actually destroy one’s life. Sadness is not the only reason why grief strikes, it can be due to the triggering of guilt, anger, yearning and also regret. 

Since the doctors at DocOnHand have monitored all these conditions closely and for a very long time, they would easily be able to cure the grief through apt and very effective counseling. 

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